IMT-GT stands for Indonesia-Malaysia-Thailand Growth Triangle Varsity Carnival. This international event is actually organized every year by participated universities of each country. The main purpose of this carnival is to unite all the participants from different countries and expose them to communicate with foreigner students (Indonesia-Malaysia-Thailand). For this 11th IMT-GT(2009), it is the time for University Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP) to organize this varsity carnival. The carnival started from 27th March until 2nd April 2009. There were 10 universities participated in this carnival. 4 universities from Malaysia, 4 universities from Indonesia, and 2 universities from Thailand. For Malaysia and Indonesia, all the participants are consist of universities from northern region. Meanwhile, participants from Thailand are based on southern region. The list of universities are:
My friend, Fikri and I were supposed to be the Leader Officer (LO) for Universitas Negeri Medan (UNIMED), and we incharged their cultural team. Our job was to provide the best service for them in order to make sure they were always got what they needed for the whole event. I got a lot of experiences since I was been with them from 27th March until 2nd April (almost 1 week) and I would never ever forget the moments. They were so kind and treated us like a part of their family. I got opportunities to have a long chat with them since they were here. Even though they had gone back to Medan, Indonesia more than 3 weeks ago, we still contact each other via sms or email. Hopefully, we will not lost contact and our relationship will last forever. I wish the best of luck to you all and see you soon. I still remember what Pak Inggit told me last time, "Kita pasti akan ketemu lagi.. Pasti.." InsyaAllah... I hope the dreams will come true. Ibu Ayu, Ibu Dili, Pak Inggit, Jamin, Steven, Ayi, Pandu, Dani, Kiky, Yuli, Sandy, Lucy, Nella, and Echa.. I miss you all..
To all the readers, I'm sorry for the late publishment. Actually I got a lot of things to do. After the IMT-GT, I got a lot of tests for all subjects taken for this semester.. Plus I've to do an electronic mini project for subject Mechatronics Workshop Practise 2. Besides that, there were also assignments and final report to be done and submitted. There are something interesting I will share about the mini project later. Hereby, I included some pictures related to the 11th IMT-GT 2009. =)
Cultural Team - UNIMED
Pandu, Ayi, Steven, Dani, Jamin
Lucy, Sandy, Kiky, Echa, Yuli, Nella
(Back)Ayi, Sandy, Kiky, Yuli, Lucy, Echa, Steven, (Front)Dani, Pandu
Saiful "it's me.. =)"
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