It has been more than a year since my last post.. Actually, there were a lot of things to do, facing a lot of assignments + mini projects + tasks + tests + exams and so on(normal view as a student) and now i was inspired to share some new things that are so important to our life which is HERBALIFE.. A simple word that has its own miracle. A word that can enhance our life style, giving us opportunity to appreciate other human being, and the most important thing is, it is the gift from the Almighty God Allah S.W.T. to all the mankind..
HERBALIFE??? What is Herbalife? Why Herbalife? Where to start? and so on.. Actually, there are a lot of questions in our mind. Some of us might know what was Herbalife and the rest might be heard before but they are not interested to know much about Herbalife and its miracle. Whatever it is, all of us have the right to choose and make decision for our future undertakings..
Some people might think that Herbalife is a kind of product that is similar to other commercial product or "ubat kurus" that is commercially sold in the market. The assumption Herbalife is "ubat kurus" is totally NOT TRUE. It is a must and compulsory to know that Herbalife is not a medicine.. It is just nutritious that is very needed to our body in order to be more and more healthy. Believe it or not? Just imagine how can it stay since 31 years ago with the same product, over 78 countries, and more than 68 million consumers satisfied with the product!! It's not just a few amount or population of people but consist of the entire people of the world. Perhaps this is my starting point to introduce all of you about the product. Basically it is more towards weight management BUT logically if we provide all nutritious that our body needs, we will have a great health in future.. Believe it or not, "Preventing is Better Than Cure.."
Renung-renungkan & selamat beramal... =)
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